Launch your second apprenticeship at BKW

Wir bieten in verschiedenen Lehrberufen klar strukturierte Zweitausbildungen mit attraktiven Konditionen. Willst du nach deiner Erstausbildung in einem beständigen und gut organisierten Firmennetzwerk eine Zweitlehre absolvieren? Bei der BKW wirst Du von erfahrenen Fachpersonen begleitet und täglich in deinen persönlichen Fähigkeiten gefordert und unterstützt.

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Join us for a sustainable future

Climate change, digitalisation and urbanisation are transforming the needs of society all the time. BKW is creating innovative, sustainable solutions in the areas of energy, buildings and infrastructure. Our extensive network with over 140 subsidiaries offers you plenty of opportunities for interesting secondary training. BKW is the ideal company for your training and development.

Key professions for second apprenticeships at the BKW Group

Would you like to pursue further training in a related profession after completing your initial training with a federal VET Diploma? Or are you looking for a new career once you complete your initial training? We offer secondary apprenticeships in the fields of electrical engineering, sanitation, heating, building technology, ICT and IT.


General information on second apprenticeships

Your apprenticeship period may be shortened by one to two years if you have a federal VET diploma in a related profession. The cantonal vocational training authorities can decide on an abridged apprenticeship at the request of the company. Apprentices do not have to attend general education classes during a second apprenticeship.


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