Trainee programme

Our trainee programme supports you at the start of your career and gives you the perfect start to your professional life. Trainees work in various departments, which systematically integrates them into the company and prepares them to take on responsibility and work towards professional goals.


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«The trainee programme offers me the unique opportunity to gradually get acquainted with my future job and to gain practical experience, which drives my professional development. I particularly appreciate the individual support and mentoring, which provide me with valuable insights.»
Rafael Bötschi, Energy & Transport Trainee, Arnold AG

Facts about the trainee programme


The programmes usually start in early September or early March.


The programme lasts 18 months and you will usually spend six-month stints in three different departments.

areas of work

We will determine the areas of work you will get to know before we post the job and publish them in the job notice.

subject areas

There are programmes in different subject areas, depending on the needs of our departments: e.g. electrical engineering, energy management or engineering


During your trainee period, you will work on numerous exciting projects. You will be able to contribute your interests and professional goals and focus on developing them.


As a trainee, you will earn CHF 79,500 or more, depending on your degree


Personal support throughout the entire programme for both professional and personal questions.


Towards the end of the programme, we’ll get together and look at how your career at BKW might continue. There’s no guarantee of permanent employment, but that’s certainly our goal if both sides are happy.

Netzwerk & Events

Unsere Community trifft sich regelmässig zum Austausch bei einem Kaffee oder Lunch. Einmal pro Jahr gibt es auch einen grösseren Ausflug.

Positions are advertised in March and October. Subscribe to the job alerts and receive all trainee vacancies by email.

Positions are advertised in March and October. Subscribe to the job alerts and receive all trainee vacancies by email.

Couldn’t find the right trainee programme? Set up job notification profile.

Obtain relevant practical experience with us

We offer several trainee programmes each year for ambitious university graduates in a wide range of subject areas. Start your career at the BKW Group:

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How to apply

