BKW’s IT is unique, combining the benefits of an international conglomerate and a diverse network of agile subsidiaries. BKW is revolutionising international energy trade using modern IT solutions. 

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Die IT der BKW Gruppe ist in ihrer Struktur einzigartig: Sie verbindet die Vorteile eines internationalen Konzerns mit denen eines vielseitigen Netzwerks aus agilen Tochterunternehmen. So revolutioniert die BKW Gruppe zum Beispiel den internationalen Energiehandel unter Einsatz moderner IT-Lösungen. Willst du mit deiner sorgfältigen Arbeit und deinen innovativen Ideen einen Teil dazu beitragen?

Offene Stellen

Fragen zum Job

Wir bieten dir folgende Einstiegsmöglichkeiten als IT-Spezialist:in bei der BKW Gruppe

  • Projektleiter:in Services Integrationen
  • SAP Entwickler:in Cloud & Integration
  • IT Consultant
  • Wirtschaftsinformatiker:in

Wir suchen ebenfalls viele weitere Profile im Bereich Informatik und Telematik. Hier gehts zu den offenen Stellen.

How we work

Our diverse range of technologies and applications creates a working environment where IT pros feel at home.


SAP Ariba
We use the cloud-based SAP Ariba platform. This means our procurement and purchasing processes are fully electronic. The benefits of SAP Ariba enhance our collaboration and quality processes, with automation to increase efficiency. We map these processes clearly and comprehensibly, ensuring high levels of transparency. This cuts out a large part of our administrative work. We invest the time and money meaningfully in new BKW projects.

At BKW, we use the ERP system S/4HANA, which is based on the quick in-memory database HANA (high-performance analytic appliance). Business-related changes at BKW led to a renewal of our ERP system. We started with a fresh slate in the form of S/4HANA in 2017, replacing our previous solution with an all-new ERP system; we were the ninth firm in the world to install it. BKW is growing, and we regularly welcome new companies with ultra-lean, agile structures. We introduced S/4HANA with the additional goal of rolling this ERP system out across smaller companies within the BKW Group.

We use Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 as our CRM. This tool helps us turn sales prospects into new customers, and is seamlessly integrated into Dynamics 365 Sales.

Azure Cloud
BKW pursues a consistent public cloud strategy and has transferred the lion’s share of its existing on-prem workload onto Azure. This migration comes with a diverse range of interesting network and security assignments. This strengthens our collaboration with the business side and gets people interested in new technologies and ways of working.

Next-gen networks
The existing core, distribution and access level of the BKW IT network have reached the stage of their lifecycles where they are being replaced with cutting-edge Cisco technology offering corresponding bandwidth increase in the in-house MPLS network (10 G or 40 G) to meet both current and future requirements.

Integration of Group companies
The BKW Group has grown enormously over the past few years, and the aim is for our IT to increasingly grow together as well. Group companies which collaborate with external partners can draw on well-founded expertise and benefit from the latest services offered by BKW IT.

Implementation of a new zone concept
Trends such as IoT and cloud applications present IT security with new challenges. For BKW, OT (operational technology, industrial plants and processes) is key. A new zone concept was drawn up as part of the security strategy, taking into account the various security demands. It is now offered both on the cloud and on-prem.

We develop an array of applications for our internal customers. Our development approach is agile and iterative, and we carry out dev work directly on the cloud. Technologies we often use include: Java with Spring Boot, Angular, Azure Kubernetes[JA1]  Services, MySQL, MongoDB, HTML, CSS and responsive design. Other teams are making increasing use of Microsoft technologies: C#, .NET, .NET Core, Azure Sequel, Visual Studio (Cloud).


Smart metering
Smart meters help our electricians by providing them with real-time data at installations, with daily updates on consumption.

Digital electricity sales
We are working closely with end customers to develop a platform that enables digital purchase of electricity.

ONE portal
Using a single sign-on, our customers can use this platform to find out about all the services they use.

Network information system (NIS+)
NIS+ are multiple applications which monitor network supply status and offer a visual depiction of issues like electricity outages, the condition of cabling and substations, and restarts following planned outages.

Nethub and Masterhub
Nethub provides an overview of all our assets in one place, while Masterhub merges all our customer metadata in one system.

With Office 365, we can work from anywhere and with any device we want – and if necessary, at any time. We can adapt our work environments flexibly to our personal preferences and needs. We have been using Microsoft Teams for internal calls for some time now, and we are gradually switching over our external communication as well.

Modern workplace
BKW’s workplace boasts minimal IT management, and we generally use the standard features offered by the manufacturer in question. Guidelines and limitations solely relate to security issues. Thanks to Microsoft Intune, we are increasingly using BKW and Office applications on smartphones.

Warum bei der BKW arbeiten?

Beruf & Freizeit im Einklang

Bei uns vereinbaren Mitarbeitende berufliche und private Ziele. Wo möglich, bieten wir Flexibilität in Bezug auf Arbeitszeit, Ferien, Homeoffice und ermöglichen unbezahlte Urlaube. 

Karriere & Weiterbildung

Bei uns stehen dir viele Türen offen. Wo möglich, fördern wir Fach- und Führungslaufbahnen gleichermassen und setzten auf massgeschneiderte Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.

Gesundheit & Sicherheit

Die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Mitarbeitenden fördern wir mit einem umfassenden Präventionsangebot. Das reicht von Bewegungsangeboten wie Yoga oder vergünstigten Abonnemente in Fitnesscentern bis hin zu Gesprächen mit Sozialberatern oder Betriebspsychologen. Sicherheit hat ebenso Priorität. Gezielt schaffen wir Rahmenbedingungen für sicheres Verhalten und damit eine wichtige Basis für die Gesundheit unserer Mitarbeitenden. Angefangen bei der persönlichen Schutzausrüstung, über verschiedenen Schulungen zu Ergonomie oder Unfallprävention - unseren Mitarbeitenden stehen eine Vielzahl an Angeboten und Massnahmen zur Verfügung, um sich bei der Arbeit sicher zu fühlen.

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