Working Culture

We view our network as something that enriches us all – we can learn from each other, complement each other, inspire each other.

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The opportunities of our diversity

We are an ambitious corporate group, working together to design the living spaces of the future.


  • We are committed to diversity; the BKW Group employs people from more than 72 different nationalities
  • As a growing network, the BKW Group challenges conventions and breaks new ground
  • We rely on entrepreneurial, responsible employees, supported by managers who embody a culture of trust, appreciation and performance

Inmotion - unser Mitarbeitendenmagazin

Lesen Sie, was uns als Unternehmen ausmacht, lernen Sie innovative Projekte kennen und lassen Sie sich von den spannenden Geschichten aus dem BKW Netzwerk inspirieren.



Unser Magazin für Mitarbeitende der BKW erscheint drei Mal jährlich und erlaubt einen Blick hinter die Kulissen.